Wednesday, May 22, 2013

4eX - Return to the Accordlands - Post 15


  1. Although I like this card, shouldn't it have a set number of charges already assigned to it? Maybe start the card with 1-4 charges.

  2. I'm not sure it needs a set number of charges, since you can add one the following decree, what I'm sad by is that "slow death" never kills the guy outright. Unless the flavor text said "the label on the bottle is slightly exagerrated"

  3. That would be a negatory to adding another "Slow Death", because the text says you can only attach this card if it does not have one already attached. So having a set number of charges to begin with or have to debuff increase by 2 to the trifecta each turn would make this card more effective.

  4. Art already in use: Wigglewort Poison
